17173> 发号中心> 端游礼包> 项目xandata







Project Xandata is a skill-based competitive, first-person shooter by veteran Filipino developers, Secret 6. Engage in your chosen play style with an expansive customization system in a world that blends sci-fi, fantasy, and Philippine mythology.The game has an expansive ability customization system that marries gunplay discipline with skill-based gameplay.FeaturesCUSTOMIZATION - With 3 classes, each with 2 elemental affinities to choose from, with their own unique sets of skills. The game features play style customization, with extensive options to modify classes, armor, and weapons, as well as abilities and elemental affinity. Team strategies evolve based on the preferred play style of individual players.4 GAME MODESSkirmish - Xandat teams fight in a time-limited skirmish. Each enemy kill will earn points for the team. The first team to reach the appointed Score Value wins. More elaborate take-downs get bonus points. In case of the match reaching the time-limit, the team with the most points win.Control - Xandat teams fight to capture and hold zones within the time limit. Xandats must capture Control points for their team to gain bonus points per enemy kill. They must also neutralize enemy-controlled points to deny their opponents any bonus points. The team with the most points by the time limit shall win the match.Annihilation - Xandat teams face off against each other as they try to wipe the enemy team out in pure weaponized combat. Each team is granted a set number of revives to use in a round. The winner of each round is determined by the last Xandat standing. The overall winner is determined by a race to win 5 rounds during the match.Corruption - Xandat teams score points by collecting shards dropped by fallen opponents. Enemy points can be denied by collecting dropped shards by team members. Every now and then, an Obelisk will spawn around the map, that when destroyed, will drop multiple shards to collect. The team to reach the goal score or the team with most points by time limit shall win the match.MAPAruum Station Malandoq's Lightning Archipelago rests in high orbit, with many inter-connected Stations that span all across the XanDaigdig. Aruum Station is one of the many key facilities used for speedy transportation of personnel and supplies anywhere in the known world. It is currently under attack by unidentified forces and they have taken control of key locations. The Haligue Brigade is dispatched to regain control of these locations before repelling the intruders.





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