17173> 发号中心> 端游礼包> THE VIDEOKID

———THE VIDEOKID礼包·发放中———





Are you ready for The Videokid challenge?Test your skills to the max with this fun & challenging arcade style skate game set in a retro 1980s neighbourhood filled with danger...Skate, hitch and grind your way through hazardous streets; dodging 80s bikes, cars, trucks, trains & more. The Videokid is jam packed with 80s nostalgia. Relive classic moments of all your favourite movie, tv and cartoon characters and remember... the further you get the more epic the references become!"What a wonderful game this is - an exacting arcade treat shot through with 80s childhood memories." Christian Donlan, Eurogamer"You’ll find that The VIDEOKID throws in every nostalgic thing you loved about the 80s into an 8-bit fast-paced Paperboy-esque gaming experience. Plug in your walkman and lace up your Reebok Pumps..." Niko & Dawn, Indiewatch"It's like PaperBoy on 80s steroids" twitter.com/MastaCodyD"An awesome trip down memorylane!" twitter.com/HeinyReimesThe goal is simple: Avoid being busted by the cops, pull off sick tricks and complete crazy combos to earn bonuses; all whilst trying to stay alive just long enough to deliver your pirate video round and get to your girl in time! From retro arcade style sound effects, to the incredible 8bit inspired soundtrack (written by DJ Savant) the Videokid pays pure homage to your favourite games of the golden era.FEATURES:- Take on 'The Videokid challenge' & be amongst the top 25 hall of fame- Unlock and play as some of your favourite 80s inspired characters- Wreak havoc on the wrong side of the law for maximum score- Pull off sick skate tricks & crazy combos- Laugh at endless ways to bail, slam and fail- Earn cash to spend on radical upgrades & powerups in the skateshop- Experience the nail-biting tension... the longer you live the harder it gets- See how many classic 80s characters & vehicles you can spot- Relive your nostalgic childhood where all things were awesomeCONTROLLER OPTIONSpress "a" to restart or "y" to enter the store 你准备好了Videokid的挑战吗?具有挑战性的街机风格的滑板游戏设置在一个复古的80年代充满了危险的邻居...滑板,搭便车,并通过危险的街道研磨你的方式;躲避80年代的自行车,汽车,卡车,火车和汽车。更多。 Videokid拥有80年代的怀旧情怀。重温所有您最喜爱的电影,电视和卡通人物的经典时刻,并记住...越来越多的史诗参考成为!“这是一个多么美妙的游戏 - 一个严格的街机对待拍摄通过80年代的童年回忆。 ; Christian Donlan,Eurogamer“你会发现,VIDEOKID将每一个你喜欢的关于80年代的怀旧东西抛入8位快节奏的Paperboy游戏体验。插上你的随身听,系好你的锐步泵...“ Niko& Dawn,Indiewatch“这就像80年代的类固醇PaperBoy” twitter.com/MastaCodyD"一个令人敬畏的下行记忆! twitter.com/HeinyReimes目标很简单:避免被警察捣毁,拉出恶作剧,完成疯狂的连击获得奖金;所有这一切只是为了保持活力,足以让你的海盗视频轮到你的女孩!从复古街机风格的音效,到令人难以置信的8bit灵感配乐(由DJ Savant编写),Videokid向您最喜爱的黄金时代游戏致敬。特点: - 采取“Videokid挑战”和“成为名人堂前25名的大厅 - 解锁和玩一些你最喜欢的80年代灵感人物 - 肆虐法则的错误的最大分数 - 拉掉生病的滑冰技巧&疯狂的连击 - 在无休止的方式来保释,大满贯和失败 - 赚取现金花费在激进的升级&在溜冰鞋店里通电话 - 体验紧张刺激的紧张情绪...你生活的时间越长越困难 - 看看有多少经典的80年代的人物&车辆,你可以spot-重温你怀旧的童年,所有的东西都非常棒的控制器OPTION Spress“a”重新启动或“y”进入商店





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