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准备未来与辐射3™:游戏版,体验前所未有的2008年最受欢迎的游戏。创造一个你选择的角色,进入一个令人敬畏的,后世界末日的世界,每一分钟都是为了生存而战。《辐射3:年度游戏》囊括了3款游戏附加包的全部5款:操作:安防——进入一个军事模拟,并在阿拉斯加的安奇拉解放战争中,从中国的*侵略者。皮特- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -破碎的钢-增加你的等级上限到30,并结束战斗的残余与自由的擎天柱。Point Lookout——在马里兰州海岸的一个巨大的黑暗沼泽中展开一场神秘的、开放式的冒险。母舰“Zeta”-反抗敌对的外星绑架者,并与你的离开外星母舰战斗,在远离首都的轨道上飞行数英里。关键在于无限的自由——领略浩瀚的资本荒原的景色和声音!看看美国的伟大纪念碑吧!你做出的选择决定了你,改变了世界。只要盯着你的Rad表就行了!有经验的s.p.e.l. - Vault-Tec工程师为您带来最新的人类能力模拟-特殊字符系统!在基于积分的能力表示中利用新的突破,对你的角色提供无限的定制。还包括了几十种独特的技能和特殊待遇,每一种都有令人眼花缭乱的各种效果!奇妙的新观点- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -不再局限于一种观点,从第一或第三个人的角度体验世界。用一个按钮来定制你的视图!选择的力量——今天感觉像一个卑鄙的恶棍,还是一个*?选择一个方面或走这条线,因为每一种情况都可以用许多不同的方式来处理。用文明的方式谈论你的问题,或者只是炫耀你的等离子枪。用V.A.T.S.把他们轰走——甚至是在与你的Pip-Boy模型3000的辅助目标系统的战斗中获胜的几率。V.A.T.S.允许你在战斗中暂停时间,瞄准你目标的特定身体部位,排队攻击,让跳高技术人员为你攻击你的攻击。雨的死亡和毁灭,在一个全新的电影展示。令人兴奋的人工智能——在Vault-Tec,我们意识到在全球核战争后复兴人类文明的关键是人。我们最好的头脑汇集了他们的努力,以生产先进的辐射人工智能,美国的第一选择在人类互动模拟。面部表情,手势,独特的对话,以及逼真的行为,这些都是最新的技术,令人震惊的结果。让人瞠目的美丽,见证了现代超级豪华高清图像中前所未有的核辐射尘埃的严酷现实。从荒芜的荒地,到充满危险的办公室和地铁隧道,再到一个变种人脸上可怕的腐肉。*保护眼镜鼓励。 Prepare for the Future™ With Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, experience the most acclaimed game of 2008 like never before. Create a character of your choosing and descend into an awe-inspiring, post-apocalyptic world where every minute is a fight for survival. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition includes all five of the Fallout 3 Game Add-on Packs: Operation: Anchorage - Enter a military simulation and fight in the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese Communist invaders. The Pitt - Travel to the post-apocalyptic remains of Pittsburgh and become embroiled in a conflict between slaves and their Raider masters. Broken Steel - Increase your level cap to 30, and finish the fight against the Enclave remnants alongside Liberty Prime. Point Lookout - Embark on a mysterious and open-ended adventure in a huge, murky swampland along the coast of Maryland. Mothership Zeta - Defy hostile alien abductors and fight your way off of the alien mothership, orbiting miles above the Capital Wasteland. Key Features Limitless Freedom - Take in the sights and sounds of the vast Capital Wasteland! See the great monuments of the United States lying in post-apocalyptic ruin! You make the choices that define you and change the world. Just keep an eye on your Rad Meter! Experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - Vault-Tec engineers bring you the latest in human ability simulation — the SPECIAL Character System! Utilizing new breakthroughs in points-based ability representation, SPECIAL affords unlimited customization of your character. Also included are dozens of unique skills and perks to choose from, each with a dazzling variety of effects! Fantastic New Views - The wizards at Vault-Tec have done it again! No longer constrained to just one view, experience the world from 1st or 3rd person perspective. Customize your view with the touch of a button! The Power of Choice - Feeling like a dastardly villain today, or a Good Samaritan? Pick a side or walk the line, as every situation can be dealt with in many different ways. Talk out your problems in a civilized fashion, or just flash your Plasma Rifle. Blast 'Em Away With V.A.T.S. - Even the odds in combat with the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System for your Pip-Boy Model 3000! V.A.T.S. allows you to pause time in combat, target specific body parts on your target, queue up attacks, and let Vault-Tec take out your aggression for you. Rain death and destruction in an all-new cinematic presentation. Mind-Blowing Artificial Intelligence - At Vault-Tec, we realize that the key to reviving civilization after a global nuclear war is people. Our best minds pooled their efforts to produce an advanced version of Radiant AI, America's First Choice in Human Interaction Simulation. Facial expressions, gestures, unique dialog, and lifelike behavior are brought together with stunning results by the latest in Vault-Tec technology. Eye-Popping Prettiness* - Witness the harsh realities of nuclear fallout rendered like never before in modern super-deluxe HD graphics. From the barren Wasteland, to the danger-filled offices and metro tunnels of DC, to the hideous rotten flesh of a mutant's face. *Protective Eyewear Encouraged.





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